After having taught in public school as a Special Educator, I became acutely aware of the pitfalls of public school Special Education programs. Typically, students were pulled out of their classrooms to receive help, sometimes only thirty minutes a day. And just when they had settled into a lesson with their Special Education teacher, their time was up and they were escorted back into their regular education classroom. They were then forced to play "catch up" with the other students and as a result, felt terribly disoriented and not always able to determine what activity their classroom was involved in. Or if the school practiced the inclusionary method of interventions, the child was publicly singled out among his peers as the "special needs" student simply because the Special Educator would be helping only disabled students. It seemed to be a lose/lose situation. I knew there had to be something better than this for children with different learning styles. So, without the financial help of anyone, I started this school with the enrollment of eight children. Today we have nearly fifty children, five teachers, and two campuses. We are able to immerse each child in 6-7 hours a day in remedial instruction instead of 30 minutes a day. Teachers can make a huge impact on a child when he receives individual instruciton all day. Young lives are being transformed and students enrolled at Dove begin to see themselves as intelligent, college bound individuals. It has been the blessing of my life.